Przemek Warias
Cyber Security Research and Knowledge Sharing
Hi there! #
My name’s Przemek. Most people pronounce it like “P-sh-em-eck” since the sound that the “rz” makes in Polish doesn’t exist in the English language, and to answer your question, no my parents did not plan on moving to America when they named me.
Here’s my website! With it I’m hoping to provide a little bit of information about myself, as well as highlight some of the projects I’m working on, or have worked on, and the research I’m conducting. My primary area of interest is cyber security, but I do dabble in other area’s related to tech.
Within security my interest vary broadly. Lately I’ve been trying to understand Cloud security, mostly AWS, and cyber-physical system security more. I have also explored software security, data privacy and security, container security and other topics to greater and lesser extents. Some of these explorations may be documented on this site. Mistakes #
Chances are I’ll get things wrong from time to time. Please reach out to me via email and let me know. I’ll correct it as soon as I can and I’ll give credit where credit is do. Thank you for your understanding in advance.
🚧 Note 🚧 #
This website is currently under construction, so if you see something weird I’m probably experimenting with something.